Cascading Waters can be found at 135 Olean Street on the eastern edge of Worcester's northwest parklands, the Cascades. The Cascades are 350 acres of park and conservation lands along the borders of Worcester, Paxton, and Holden, Massachusetts. Home to countless species of plants and animals, the Cascades are open to passive recreation year-round.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cascades are flash-frozen

From roaring torrent to frozen ice-floe overnight!

Even the brook is looking icy on its edges, and it is moving fast.

Pretty impressive to see the ice on the Cascades given the volume of water that had been moving through just recently.

Currently the conditions are:
27 degrees F
76% humidity
29.74" mercury and rising

The digital raingauge managed to acquire a cap of snow and ice and missed the torrential rains very nearly entirely. 0.04" managed to seep through somehow, so we will see if the manual raingauge had a frozen cap on it as well.

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