Cascading Waters can be found at 135 Olean Street on the eastern edge of Worcester's northwest parklands, the Cascades. The Cascades are 350 acres of park and conservation lands along the borders of Worcester, Paxton, and Holden, Massachusetts. Home to countless species of plants and animals, the Cascades are open to passive recreation year-round.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cool, Windy, and Hazy

8:52 a.m. conditions:

69.4 degrees and steady;
69% humidity and steady;
29.32" of Hg pressure and steady;
0.12" of rain yesterday;
0-1.5 MPH sustained wind gusts;
USFS Fire Danger Class is LOW;
skies are hazy.

Cool, Windy, and Hazy.

Earlier this week some volunteers worked to freshen the blazes from Olean Street to the top of the Cascades. We may need to do a little touch up work to make sure that they are convincingly circular, but they sure are much easier to pick out. Thanks to the crew for both that work and for putting another coat of poly on the property signs getting ready for installation!

Monday was a grant application to the state's Conservation Partnership Grants for land in West Boylston that tops the West Boylston Open Space and Recreation Plan's list.

Today, if all goes well, there is a chance to submit a grant to the state's LAND Grant program wherein the City of Worcester seeks to permanently protect a trail link between Green Hill Park and Lake Quinsigamond, AND protects a parcel of land off of Trinity Avenue that would expand Green Hill Park and protect the groundwater recharge for one of Worcester's reserve wells on Lake Quinsigamond. There is more awesome stuff going on with this land but I shouldn't go on and on about it. GWLT is partnering with the City to preserve this IF the City's application is successful.

And the day is a nice one!

1 comment:

Trailblazer on a mission said...

Speaking of signs; someone ripped off the EST trail sign at Elliott St. If the GWLT is willing to make a replacement sign then I would be willing to pick it up and install it. Also that portion of the trail is starting to get overrun with vegitation; could use a volunteer crew to come in with clippers and bow saws.