Cascading Waters can be found at 135 Olean Street on the eastern edge of Worcester's northwest parklands, the Cascades. The Cascades are 350 acres of park and conservation lands along the borders of Worcester, Paxton, and Holden, Massachusetts. Home to countless species of plants and animals, the Cascades are open to passive recreation year-round.

Friday, February 20, 2009


...just a bit in the air at the moment.

We came home from our round of errands this morning to disturb a hawk. He was perched on the north side of the driveway, and came flying, low, across the driveway and over to the southern bound. He (she? don't know) has been around quite a bit lately. I've consequently felt leery of filling the birdfeeders.

At 3 pm (sorry for the late post) it is 27 degrees and steady under overcast skies
52% humidity and steady
Barometer is at 29.44 and steady
Fire danger remains LOW
And we have yet to break the new ice off of the stream gauge.

The ground is a curious mixture of bare, drifted snow, crunchy ice covered by drifted snow, and ice. You won't have to slog on the trails, but it isn't easy going either.

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