29.18" of Hg pressure and steady;
75.9 degrees F and steady;
75.9 degrees F and steady;
34% humidity and steady;
yesterday's rainfall at the Lodge was 0.16";
a light breeze is moving through but is not reading a MPH;
the steam gauge in the Cascades Brook has no reading;
the USFS Fire Danger Class for today is LOW;
skies are blue with white clouds.
You would have though that for all the drama of yesterday's weather we might have seen more rain, but no. Doesn't appear that the blackout in Worcester hit us here either. It, the poweroutage, did hit the Trust headquarters downtown though.
Other fun stuff:
The groundhog is back!
This is yet another siting of the groundhog this summer, who was seen this morning grazing on the clover quite happily. We appear to be one of his regular stops this summer. So no bunnies, but yes groundhog.
This is yet another siting of the groundhog this summer, who was seen this morning grazing on the clover quite happily. We appear to be one of his regular stops this summer. So no bunnies, but yes groundhog.
Action Running Groundhog Shot!
Also fun, Tuesday's ALB hunt at Kinneywoods and Cook's Woods found no evidence in the 2 hour survey. We did however munch on some late season blueberries and early black raspberries to everyone's pleasure.
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