Cascading Waters can be found at 135 Olean Street on the eastern edge of Worcester's northwest parklands, the Cascades. The Cascades are 350 acres of park and conservation lands along the borders of Worcester, Paxton, and Holden, Massachusetts. Home to countless species of plants and animals, the Cascades are open to passive recreation year-round.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Honey Locusts in bloom

If you head up the Cascades trail from Olean Street, you'll smell something sweet in bloom.
You can't see them, but, high up in the canopy, the honey locusts are in bloom.
(You can also see them on some downtown Worcester streets, as Worcester has planted them as street trees in some neighborhoods.)

1 comment:

Tina Z said...

My friend I and were there yesterday and she said that the woods smelled sweet, because of your blog I was able to tell her what we were smelling. Great evening to hit the trails.